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What Should Homeschool Kids Be Reading?

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What Should Homeschool Kids Be Reading?

Reading is a skill that every child learns at their own pace. While some children are natural readers and begin reading at a young age, it might take a few more years down the road for others. But both are OK!

However, if you have concerns about your child’s reading ability, early intervention is beneficial when kids struggle to read. You can ask for help from your pediatrician or a reading specialist.

If you’re wondering what homeschool kids should be reading, there are general guidelines for each grade level for both formal and homeschooling. You’ll notice an extensive range in reading ability and ages because, again, each child learns at their own pace.


By the end of kindergarten, your child may or may not:

  • Rhyme words
  • Match up spoken and written words
  • Recognize words in print, such as their name
  • Predict what might happen in a story
  • Read words by themselves and in a sentence

First and Second Grades

For first and second grade, you can look for your homeschooled student to have the ability to:

  • Sound out unfamiliar words
  • Read familiar stories
  • Use punctuation and capitalization
  • Figures out familiar words with pictures and context

Second and Third Grades

At this age range, some children begin to:

  • Read longer books by themselves
  • Read aloud with emphasis
  • Understand the concept of paragraphs
  • Use spelling and punctuation correctly
  • Revise their writing and illustrate stories
  • Understand humor in writing

Fourth Through Eighth Grade

Children from fourth to eighth grade typically comprehend and practice these reading skills:

  • Understand and explore different types of books like non-fiction, novels, and poetry
  • Read and analyze texts to find specific information
  • Understand concepts like metaphors and similes
  • Recognize and implement various components of a story: plot, setting, time, and problem

To encourage reading, you should make the experience relaxing—treating reading as a hobby is helpful and can reduce stress around reading struggles. If you’re concerned about your child’s reading comprehension, you can assess their progress with a MAP reading test (6-12). Learn more about the benefits of MAP Growth Testing in all subjects with Homeschool Boss.

Are you still asking, what should homeschool kids be reading? The answer is anything they want!