HSB will be closed Friday, January 17th for staff development.

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Test Day Launch Pad

Ensure a hassle-free testing experience by checking these setup requirements first.

Let's make sure your device is ready.

Step One

Run the NWEA Workstation Diagnostic on the browser you will be using for testing. This diagnostic will point out any major issues that might prevent your student from taking their test. 

Computer or iPad only!

Step Two

Let’s fix any issues you might have run into when running the NWEA Workstation Diagnostic. Please refer to the appropriate guide for common fixes.

Step Three

MAP Growth tests require a pop-up window.

Please follow the guide to disable pop-up blocker within the browser you will be using for testing. 

Now let's take a look at your testing environment.

Do you have any educational posters and learning aids set up in the room your student will be testing in?

If you do, please make sure to put them away or cover them up!

Do you have your math tools ready?

Math manipulatives are allowed. 

Examples of math manipulatives are counting blocks, an abacus, etc.

Scratch paper and pencil, dry erase board, or chalkboard are also allowed.

All other math tools will be available within the test platform when a question allows for use of that tool.

Distractions put away?

To help your student do their best, please remove any potential distractions.

Headphones are allowed.

Background music is allowed if your student is used to working with background sounds.

Is your student ready?

NWEA provides great student resources to help students feel confident before testing. These resources are the best way to make sure you and your student are ready!

Take a look at the student resources below to prepare your student for their testing experience.

For Grades K-2

For Grades 2+

Now your student can try a practice test!

The purpose of the practice test is to become familiar with the test tools and formatting. Because of this, the practice test will be very short at just a few questions each time and it will not provide results of any kind.

Click on the red practice test button to access the practice test and use the login information provided below it.

Username: grow
Password: grow

Breathe in. Breathe out.

There are a few things to keep in mind as your student is testing.

  • The MAP Growth is designed to challenge all students. Because of this, your child will be asked questions they cannot yet answer correctly.
  • This does not mean they are doing poorly on the test – it means the test is working! The test adapts to the level that is providing the correct amount of challenge. By design, it is expected that students will answer 50% of their questions correctly and the other 50% incorrectly.
  • Encourage them to think about the question, eliminate any obviously wrong answers, and then take their best guess. 
  • It is extremely important to remember that MAP Growth tests are not pass/fail tests. Every time they test, every student is successfully showing what they know, what they are ready to learn, and what they need more intensive instruction on.

It's my test day - what do I do?!

Follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Student Login Page
  2. Call 844-746-2677 for your login information
  3. Log into your students test while your proctor is on the phone with you
  4. Ask any questions you have before you disconnect with you proctor
  5. Reach out any time with questions or for assistance 🙂

Ready to get started?
Let’s go ➝

Computer or iPad only!