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Ways To Put MAP Growth Data to Work in Your Lessons

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Ways To Put MAP Growth Data to Work in Your Lessons

Your homeschool child’s proficiency in various subjects can be challenging to determine. MAP testing informs instructors, parents, and students where the student is on their educational journey. Incorporating data from MAP testing can give the student the equity they need to achieve throughout their education. There are several ways to put MAP growth data to work in your lessons. Here are a few methods to incorporate MAP testing into your child’s homeschool lesson plan.

Student Goals

Incorporating MAP growth data into your child’s curriculum allows for an open discussion of their student goals. Students are more devoted to their schoolwork when they create goals. The student and instructor can work together to create an action plan. Some ideas for student goals include:

  • Building better study habits
  • Improving time management
  • Finding downtime to decompress

Prepare for College

MAP growth data can also tell you how ready your child is for college. High MAP marks can predict how your homeschooled student will place on ACTs for students in fifth grade and up. Knowing what subject your child needs more support in before they become frustrated and unmotivated is advantageous.  

Adjust Lesson Plan

One of the many ways to put MAP growth data to work in your lessons is by adjusting your curriculum. MAP Growth data can call attention to a student’s strengths and weaknesses. With this information, you can change your lesson plan accordingly to ensure your homeschool child receives the best possible results.

Placement Tool

In the same vein, MAP data can help root out subjects that a child could be struggling in. With this information, instructors can focus on problem areas and evaluate what teaching methods work best for your child’s needs.

Guide Parents on Student Progress

MAP growth data can inform parents on where their child stands academically, giving both teachers and parents the ability to engage in the student’s educational journey. Having an idea of your child’s academic needs is beneficial even at the kindergarten level, allowing you to begin their educational journey with all the tools they need to succeed.

It’s never too early to understand where a student excels and where they might need extra help. MAP testing in kindergarten can give you and your child a head start on their academic excellence.