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MAP Accommodations

The adaptive nature of MAP® GrowthTM and MAP Growth K–2 assessments makes them appropriate for students with a wide range of skills and needs, including special needs homeschool testing.

To best measure growth, we recommend being consistent in the accommodations you offer and how you provide them. 

For those students who need accommodations, use the guidelines below to set them up for success.

Standard IEP Accommodations for Special Needs MAP Homeschool Testing

Help With Understanding the Question


Simplifying or clarifying directions

For example, clarifying the location of the Next button

Using visual magnification devices or software

For example, MAP Growth is compatible with ZoomText Magnifier 9.1 or MAGic 11

Using auditory amplification devices, noise buffers, or software

Using masks to block a portion of the screen;

For example, the student may use a sticky note, index card, or a blank sheet of paper to move down the screen as they are reading

Reading or rereading aloud the test directions

Reading or rereading aloud the test questions for math, science, or language usage tests only

Students with dyslexia or similar reading challenges may use the text-to-speech feature to have the test read to them automatically


Defining or explaining the questions, answers, or passages

Pronouncing or explaining math notation or symbols

Help With Answering Questions

The student’s response must accurately represent the student’s own choice.
Any help in answering the question should be neutral and not impact the student’s answer or guide them toward a particular answer.


An adult may scribe for the student (entering the student’s answer in the computer)

Students may tell the scribe their answer

Students may point to their answer for the scribe

Students may give the scribe their answer in their native language


Guiding the student toward the correct answer or let them know if they answered correctly

Help With Managing Distractions


Testing an individual student in a separate setting

Testing a small group of students in a separate setting

Minimizing distractions

For example, use of a study carrel

Help With Timing and Test Schedule


Administering the test over multiple sessions in a day

Administering the test over a number of days (requires special arrangements with Homeschool Boss)

Allowing flexible schedule

Extending time for testing

All MAP Growth assessments are designed to be untimed for all students

Administering at time of day most beneficial to student

Offering breaks


Encouraging students to take an excessive amount of time on the test – most students should finish each subject in 45-60 minutes

Materials or Device Accommodations


Providing scratch paper

Providing a comparable calculator when a student is unable to access the on-screen calculator given in a question


Allowing the student to use a calculator on questions that don’t have an on-screen calculator

Miscellaneous Accommodations


Providing a drink during testing

Providing a snack during testing

Non-Standard IEP Accommodations For Special Needs MAP Homeschool Testing

Non-standard MAP accommodations are accommodations that have the potential to bias the student’s score and require special consideration.

Bias can arise from differences in the way each person reads, translates, or pronounces. Also, from one question to the next, variation in tone and inflection may cue or miscue the student to a particular answer.

Not Allowed In Most Cases


Native language translation

Reading aloud the answer options

Reading or translating any portion of the reading test

Pronouncing symbols for math or science

Defining words within the test question

Using a calculator for questions that do not have an on-screen calculator

Any other accommodations not listed above


If circumstances necessitate non-standard MAP testing accommodations (such as an Individualized Education Plan, 504 plan, English for Speakers of Other Languages program, or a student with comparable special needs), MAP Growth does not preclude you from making those accommodations, but as the test administrator, Homeschool Boss does require that non-standard accommodations be approved before testing. Please include your required accommodation when you make your testing appointment.


The greater the use of non-standard MAP accommodations during the test’s administration, the weaker the validity of the inference that can be drawn from the student’s score.

This qualification should be considered when interpreting test scores or using them to make important educational decisions.

Please contact us at sales@homeschoolboss.com