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MAP Mathematics Test Growth 6 +

Quick facts about the MAP Mathematics Test Growth 6 +

Grade level 6-12
Assessment type Computer adaptive
Structure Cross-grade
Subject Math
Test time Untimed; approximately 45 minutes per subject
Norm study Nationally normed in 2015
Administration Students test at home; test is administered online
Technical requirements Internet connection and computer, iPad®, or Chromebook® (for complete requirements see


What level student should take this test?

The MAP mathematics test in MAP Growth 6+ is designed for sixth through twelfth grade students.

What is a computer adaptive test?

A computer-adaptive test is a method for administering tests that adapt to a student’s performance level. The difficulty of the test tailors itself to the student’s performance. The first question in the test is based on the student’s current performance estimate (either their grade level or a previous MAP test score.) When a student responds correctly, they receive a more difficult question. Similarly, incorrect responses are followed by easier questions. After only a few questions, the test difficulty is close to a student’s true performance level, and a reasonable estimate can be reported in the form of a RIT score.


What is assessed in the MAP skills math test?

Operations and Algebraic Thinking

  • Expressions and Equations
  • Use Functions to Model Relationships and Solve Problems

The Real and Complex Number Systems

  • Ratios and Proportional Relationships
  • Perform Operations
  • Extend and Use Properties


  • Geometric Measurement and Relationships
  • Congruence, Similarity, Right Triangles, & Trig

Statistics and Probability

  • Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data
  • Using Sampling and Probability to Make Decisions


How long will it take to receive results?

Clients who test on Monday and Tuesday receive their score reports on Friday of that week.

What is included in the score report for the sixth grade math test?

Percentile rankings and ‘typical of,’ comparing the student’s performance to the norm groups (e.g., first grade, winter), showing how the student compares to their peers, and for what grade/season their performance is typical. Percentile rankings are not available beyond the spring of eleventh grade.

RIT scores for the MAP mathematics test overall and for the subtopics. Used to track growth over time. Access free aligned lessons at

Learning statements, typically 10–15 pages of specific skills the student is ready to learn.