Homeschoolers who lesson plan with MAP Growth can easily create individualized lessons for each of their kids at just the right level. This article will show you how to use your score report from Homeschool Boss to meet your kids where they are and maximize their academic growth.
Why use MAP Growth results when you Lesson Plan?
Lesson planning with MAP Growth lets you tailor your curriculum to your child. We recommend you use your MAP Growth results in conjunction with a well-designed curriculum, so your kids get the benefits of a solid scope and sequence along with material at the right level for them. The Learning Statements in your Homeschool Boss Score Report are the key to building this connection.
What are MAP Growth Learning Statements?
MAP Growth Learning Statements are the skills your child is ready to learn, based on their RIT subscores. These are simple descriptions of skills like “Analyzes how dialogue advances plot in literary text” or “Determines if sets of objects are even or odd”. These are skills in your child’s Zone of Proximal Development, which means your child has the required background to learn the skill, but needs help to master it.
How do you choose the learning statements to include?
The first step in lesson planning with MAP Growth results is choosing which learning statements to teach, and it’s easy to add this to your routine. When you pull out your curricula and sit down to plan lessons for your homeschool for the coming week, note what topics are being covered. Then look through your child(ren)’s MAP Growth score report for Learning Statements in the center column that are related to those topics.
Not sure how to find the right learning statements in 30-60 pages of learning statements? Open the score report on your computer and use the search feature to find keywords like “narrator” or “fractions”.
Look at each lesson and consider which learning statements are the best fits to work into the lesson in your curricula. Don’t go overboard! Think of it like shopping at Costco– there is a whole lot there, but you want to walk out with only the things you need.
Finding activities to teach learning statements
The final step in lesson planning with MAP Growth results is deciding how to teach the skills you have selected. One great place to find lesson and activity ideas is Pinterest. My first stop is always Grand Valley State University’s boards. These boards are organized by MAP Growth test, area, and RIT score, and include lots of great ideas. Another great source for free lesson plans is BetterLesson.com. Remember to make the lessons your own – use these plans as a jumping-off point.