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What Computer Adaptive Testing Is

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What Computer Adaptive Testing Is

As a homeschooling parent, there are many things to consider in terms of testing. You want to make sure your child is learning everything they need to learn, but sometimes, that is tricky. Unless your child undergoes an assessment, it is difficult to determine how well they are understanding the information. If you choose the right assessment, you can accurately determine what your child knows and what they’re ready to learn. Adaptive tests tend to provide the most accurate assessment. If you’re interested in learning what computer adaptive testing is, keep reading.

What Is It?

Many parents don’t know what computer adaptive testing is, so let’s go over that first. An adaptive test is a test that adapts to the student’s answers as they take the test. Think back to the assessments you took in school. A teacher passes out a sheet of paper with questions; then, they pass out a paper to write your answers on. Everyone gets the same test, regardless of their individual understanding of the material. The first question is easy, but the second question is hard. The assessment is difficult, so you start guessing. Does this sound accurate to you? Those tests are not adaptive, and they usually do not accurately depict a child’s academic understanding. Adaptive tests, on the other hand, are an accurate way to assess how well a child is understanding the curriculum.

How Does It Work?

Adaptive tests are ideal because they adapt to the child’s answers as they take the test. Picture this: a child is taking an adaptive test online. The first question pops up, and the child answers correctly. Since the child understands the information, the next question is more difficult. This is ideal because if a child gets bored with a test, they might stop trying. With an adaptive test, the child is constantly being challenged. If a question is too difficult and the child answers incorrectly, the next question will be slightly easier. Again, this prevents children from losing interest in the test. A child is likely to lose the ability to focus when a test is too simple or too difficult. When in doubt, children tend to guess. Adaptive tests prevent guessing by presenting students with questions they are equipped to answer.

Which Test Should I Choose?

There are many testing options available for homeschooling families, so choosing one can feel overwhelming at first. Some families consider the Stanford 10 test for homeschoolers; however, MAP Growth is the ideal option for homeschool testing. MAP Growth is cross-grade and adaptive, which sets it apart from many other testing options.

At Homeschool Boss, it’s our goal to make homeschooling a stress-free process. If you’re a homeschooling family, consider the MAP Growth assessment for your child. If you have any questions about MAP Growth, feel free to visit our website or give us a call.