How to Approach the Testing Experience
During Testing
Encourage a Healthy Growth Mindset
It’s not about passing or failing!
It’s about learning what your child can do so you know what to focus on in your homeschool.
Follow the test administration rules carefully so you get results you can trust.
Immediately After Testing
Talk About First Impressions
Ask your kids what they thought and if there were any topics on the test they’d like to know more about.
If you have immediate results, compare them with previous results and celebrate your successes.
Talk with your child about what they feel is going well and what they might like to change.
In the Week After Testing
Reflect and Set Goals
Using your child’s score report combined with your own observations, reevaluate your curriculum choices and consider what might need adjustment to better meet your child’s needs.
In addition, talk to your child about specific goals for them to work towards. These should be SMART goals that you support, but your child controls.