Colorado Homeschool Testing

NWEA® MAP® Growth™ tests are the ideal choice for meeting Colorado homeschool testing requirements.
According to the Colorado Department of Education website, Colorado home school law requires that homeschooled students are assessed in grades 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 with either a “nationally standardized achievement test or an evaluation of academic progress administered by a qualified person that the parent selects.“
NWEA MAP Growth assessments meet these requirements.
MAP Growth is a nationally-normed, standardized, adaptive test that assesses student growth. Homeschool Boss offers standardized testing that is accepted in Colorado. We provide MAP Growth tests in reading, math, and language usage (optional). We use the 2020 norms and the same version of MAP Growth tests currently in use in schools across the country. Our untimed, web-based tests can be taken on a laptop, tablet, or Chromebook.
There is no degree requirement for parents.
Choose any 2-4 days over the course of a week to take the reading, math, and optional language usage and or science tests, get raw scores immediately, and receive our incredibly detailed score report within 1-2 days.
And because the measurement is reliable and accurate, RIT scores serve as an essential data point in a student’s learning plan; educators can see their precise learning level and respond accordingly.
MAP Growth creates an individualized assessment experience by adapting to each student’s learning curve – precisely measuring each student’s progress and growth. You’ll have essential information about what each student knows and is ready to learn within the week.