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How to Get Your Testing Done for PEP Scholarships

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So, you’ve received your Step Up for Students PEP scholarship funds – now what?!

If you are looking for secure, accurate, and up-to-date testing to fulfill the end-of-year (EOY) nationally-normed, standardized testing requirements of your Florida PEP scholarship, you are in the exact right place. Welcome to HSB Testing!

We offer three distinct testing options:

NWEA® MAP® Growth™ assessments
–Highly sought after nationally-normed and standardized tests that are adaptive, untimed, and completely online. Subjects available are Math, Reading, Language Usage, and Science.
–Fulfills the Florida SUFS PEP scholarship annual requirements
–Grades K-12

NWEA® MAP® Reading Fluency™ assessment + dyslexia screener
–An increasingly popular assessment that measures beginner-readers reading fluency skills and flags those scoring in the lower 10% of their peer group for possible reading difficulties that can be further assessed by a family psychologist.
–Grades PreK-5

MindPrint Learning™ cognitive assessment
–With a series of puzzle-like tasks, this cognitive assessment tests your students cognitive skills to pinpoint their learning strengths and teach them how to harness their brain power.
–Grades 3-12+

The standard tests to fulfill Florida’s SUFS PEP scholarship testing requirement are math and reading, which always come together as a bundle. While Language Usage and Science are definitely beneficial to helping your student succeed in their educational journey, they are always optional add-on tests and not required.

How do I purchase my tests through MyScholarShop?

All you need to do to purchase testing with your SUFS PEP scholarship funds is:

  1. Navigate to the Marketplace from your EMA profile
  2. Click on MyScholarShop
  3. Search for “Homeschool Boss” or “MAP Growth”
  4. Select your preferred test bundle or bundles
  5. Checkout!

Soon after your order is approved you will receive an email from us that will contain your voucher code. As soon as you receive it you will return to our website to register your student or students. You will use the voucher code like a discount code at checkout.

Happy Testing 📚